Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Receive Money anywhere in Nigeria now! It real

I receive money on my Gsm Handset within a minute though MoneyboxAfrica. MoneyBoxAfrica is a new savings and payment system based on a scratch card and enabled by any mobile phone. It provides individuals a cash-like way to remotely save,  spend, and transfer money.
With MoneyBoxAfrica, anyone - who can use a mobile phone - can open-up an account on the street, save money into the account, topup  the phone, pay utilility bills, buy insurance, pay tithe, send money to friends and relatives, withdraw money at agent locations,any bank or ATMs, get access to credit and make investments.
MoneyBoxAfrica creates the possibility of real-time banking functions at agent locations where cash-in and cash-outs are possible. 
For more information about MoneyBoxAfrica log on to 

Free for all Fight in Nigeria House of Assembly

Alleged N9b fraud ignite exchange of blows
*House suspends 11 anti-Bankole lawmakers
WITH blows freely exchanged, members of the House of Representatives yesterday returned to what is now their interlu...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nigeria vs Korea will end 3-1

 Prediction ahead of Nigeria Korea Match. Through your comments

Friday, June 18, 2010

  BP is planning at least $10 billion in asset sales to launch its compensation fund.     BP Plans to Sell Assets to Feed Victims' Fund
Company Hires London Banker to Identify $10 Billion in Assets for Sale; With Liabilities Soaring, More Sales Likely
CBS/AP)  The company responsible for the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is set to begin selling assets to help fund the $20Billion escrow account it agreed to set up for compensating victims. 

BP agreed Wednesday to set up the fund, which will be administered by dispute resolution expert Ken Feinberg. On Thursday it said it would set aside earnings from U.S. operations and sell off at least $10 billion in none-core assets. 

Special Section: Disaster in the Gulf 
Now the company has hired a team of advisers to assist in the sales. 

The company has brought on Martin Lovegrove, an oil and gas banker from Standard Chartered to help identify possible assets for sale, Kleinman reported. 

BP's moves to raise cash could far exceed the $10 billion in asset sales it has already discussed. In addition to the $20 billion compensation fund, it is expected to face billions more in cleanup costs and legal liabilities. 
The company said earlier this week that it would  suspend payments of dividends this year. 

In creating a victims' compensation fund, BP will set aside assets from its U.S. operations totaling $20 billion. It will then slowly make cash payments to build the fund, pulling out assets as it does so. The fund will "satisfy legitimate claims including natural resource damages and state and local response costs," but not cover fines and penalties - expected to total in the billions - BP said. 

The use of the BP escrow fund is intended to avoid a repeat of the painful aftermath of 1989 Exxon Valdez oil disaster in Alaska, when the fight over money dragged out in courts over roughly two decades.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nelson Mandela's great-grandchild killed in crash. Tragedy in south Africa,Teen was on her way home from the concert kicking off the World Cup

OHANNESBURG — Former South African President Nelson Mandela's 13-year-old great granddaughter was killed in a car crash on Friday after leaving a concert ahead of the World Cup kick off, the Nelson Mandela Foundation said.

Mandela, 91, is widely credited with helping South Africa win the World Cup bid in 2004 and South Africans have been hoping he might be able to attend the opening match despite his frail health.
Zenani Mandela, killed two days after her birthday, was one of Mandela's nine great-grandchildren.
"Zenani Mandela, 13, was travelling in a car returning from the World Cup Kick-Off Concert at Orlando Stadium when the accident occurred," a statement from the Foundation said.
"There was only one car involved and no one else was injured."
Mandela's ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was in the car, the South African Press Association quoted police as saying. Police spokesman Noxolo Kweza said the driver had been arrested and police were investigating a case of culpable homicide.
The Mandela Foundation said the family had asked for privacy. Zenani was a grand-daughter of Zindzi Mandela, Nelson Mandela and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela's daughter.