Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Receive Money anywhere in Nigeria now! It real

I receive money on my Gsm Handset within a minute though MoneyboxAfrica. MoneyBoxAfrica is a new savings and payment system based on a scratch card and enabled by any mobile phone. It provides individuals a cash-like way to remotely save,  spend, and transfer money.
With MoneyBoxAfrica, anyone - who can use a mobile phone - can open-up an account on the street, save money into the account, topup  the phone, pay utilility bills, buy insurance, pay tithe, send money to friends and relatives, withdraw money at agent locations,any bank or ATMs, get access to credit and make investments.
MoneyBoxAfrica creates the possibility of real-time banking functions at agent locations where cash-in and cash-outs are possible. 
For more information about MoneyBoxAfrica log on to 

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